Sunday, November 15, 2015

Sex Trafficking Egypt

Key location and routes

"The local dimension of human trafficking includes child labor, the sexual exploitation of children, the sale of human organs as well as various forms of prostitution. The Issue has now become a major topic of concern for social scientists, police and law-enforcement authorities as well as rehabilitation centers" Each year about one million children between the age of seven and twelve are hired in Egypt. These children are exposed to terrible conditions and are slaves to thier owners. Egyptian women and girls are purchased for temporary or summer. The deals are usually facilitated by family who profit from these deals. Despite Egyptian Anti-Trafficking Law 64 criminalizes the offence of trafficking and provides for the appropriate protective measures for victims. The National Council for Childhood and Motherhood (NCCM) has established some referral framework for those who know or are being trafficked to call a hot line. Unfortunately many of these practices have not been taken serious enough to make an impact and these acts are still happening in Egypt.

Born Free by Mendelson talks about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Mendelson talks about the challenges of buying and selling if humans which is a big business, yet not much is being done about it to help end the issue. Since 2000 the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) has been organized to get as close as possible to help coordinate activities, it has been difficult to get donation as they only have made 16 million dollars from 2002 to 2012. Trafficking is clearly not a global concern “We are not interested in trafficking” or “We do not work on it”The proposed five goals that are drafted does include the ending of human trafficking. drafters call for the end of trafficking of women and girls. Under proposed goal eight the document urges the end of the trafficking of children, including child soldiers, by 2025. There are sub goals that have nothing to do with trafficking but can be a trigger effects. These are “provid[ing] legal identity for all including birth registration,” promoting “sustainable tourism,” and “sustainable transport systems" People that so not have legal identity documentation are at more risk to get lost in the process. Tourism has been a big partner is attacking women or children as they are in an unfamiliar territory and making them a targeted victim. Transport systems have also been the middle men in combating humans into the violation of ones human rights. Mendelson says how 17 main goals and 169 subgoals is not a done deal and with the UN has also adopted protocols. These regulations will take time and much needed action. The language in the document is key in making a difference and getting donations.

Egypt along with other counties has made laws but doesn't act on it. Human Trafficking makes so much money, that it should be an issue. Many don't see this like they see global hunger. Human trafficking effects the the women, men and children of the world. This is a major violation of human rights but many choose to disregard the sad facts and truths. If it can be seen globally as an issue, actions can be taken but if no major actions are taken it will continue to get worse.

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