Sunday, November 1, 2015

Egypt 21st

women in center.

 Egypt most challenging task in the 21st century is dealing with their human rights regulations. In 2013 protesting for the Human Rights Campaign, 91 women were sexually assaulted or raped in the four day protest. The number increased and the violent attacks of female protesters went up 100 instances. Harassment of women is nothing new, especially in a country where men are more superior than the women. “During the attacks, the women often find themselves trapped inside what some have called ‘the circle of hell,’ a mob of 200 0r 300 men who fought with one another to pull, shove, beat, and strip them,”The continual increase of sexual violence again women is a big issue, this violates the basic human rights, a women can't speak for what she believes is without getting attacked.  Crime rates have also increased in the 21st century along with the violence against women. "Soldiers a nearby mosque tore it down, stone barricades erected by pro-Morsy groups and fired tear gas. Pro-Morsy protesters, atop the mosque, threw rocks and fired shots. She said she saw one security forces member go down and then be taken away by his comrades." Egyptians military have a lot of power and even in the protest during the overthrowing of their past leader, the military had a lot of of the power, as they were in charge until the installment of the new president. As muc as the military is trusted, they have a lot of power of the people.

Another issue Egypt is facing is a food shortage.  "According to the U.N. World Food Programme, 17% of the country faced a shortage of food in 2011, compared with 14% in 2009. With the economy barely improving, poverty remains a pressing concern for millions." Population is growing at a faster rate than production of food. As poverty rises and nutrition becomes hard to acquire. All food prices have gone up substantially, many are malnourished because they are not getting protein. Many families just don't have the economic means to put food on the table, as the economy situation continues to rise more are being pushed into poverty. Having most of the population near the Nile river already makes it difficult for the production of food because such a small part of the county is covered with most of the population. The rest of the country is covered in in sand and is inhabitable and useless for agriculture growth.

In Egypt, it's the economy...
People still looking for change
 One of the issues cause food shortage is the unemployment rate. This is not just Egypt the North Africa  unemployment rate reached 13.2% in 2013, this is a staggering rate. When the people of Egypt took the streets in 2011, it was to improve freedom, poverty, social justice and the economy. The employment rate has not gone up much since and it is concerning. As food and fuel continue to be subsidies, as others think it should be cut totally. The under performing economy is struggling with a rising youth unemployment and declining foreign currency. One out of  four Egyptians lives on $2 dollars a day and 13%  of the population is out of work. As much as Egypt has grown from the new president in 2011, they still face a lot of challenges. Egypt is not the only one facing these challenges, the surrounding North Africa areas are meeting their own struggles.

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