Sunday, September 20, 2015

Egypt and Arab Nationalism

Nationalism is defined by feeling of superiority over other countries. As Zakaria states “the rise of pride and confidence amount other nations, particularly the largest and most successful ones, is readily apparent.”  It is much easier to think one nation is above others and spit bile about ones we think are under us.

Egypt doesn’t claim too much pride in Africa due to the fact that it’s ties are all to the Middle East. The Arab world nationalism is the idea that is all one because they speak the same language, religion and have the same history. Despite continuous efforts many blame America for the lack or nationalism"with its self- serving Interests."  As nationalism can be a negative impact in the growing of countries globally, it can also be great in major movements. Egypt as many other countries who have had problems with their government are in constant fight for more representation. Egypt did just that in 2011 when President Hosni Mubarak stepped down after 30 years. This revolt was lead by the young people of Egypt that shattered the long standing of vicious political regime. This history making moment was only possible with the uniting of Egyptian Muslims and Christians. "Whenever they feel a collective threat, that feeling of patriotism re-emerges and is revived. " Egypt being 90% Muslim it has a strong sense of nationalism along with the rest of the Arab world. Christians are the minority in the Middle East but collectively everyone felt that Mubarak lack of short cuts in democracy and weakening the system, so he had insurance of is longevity as dictator was restraining. His ideas of suppressing social activism and freedom tied everyone together. "This is a revolution for all Egyptians; there is no room for a single group’s slogans, not the Brotherhood’s or anybody else."  As stated by a member of the brotherhood. This 18 day revolt was the force of nonviolence and not the cause of terrorist or killings. That's what is so great about nationalism, when a nation is behind one thing it really makes an impact. This revolt was lead by the young people of Egypt and millions of people in the streets of Cairo. Egypt had been ignoring the matter and the past president was not stepping down and only way a nation can make a change is by coming together. This was a a rise of nationalism because the people had the support of the military and even though it was a time to rebuild, the nation knew it could not be worse off and that Egypt was going to be a democratic country.

The Egyptian people did this on their own, which is another rise of nationalism because as Americans we feel that we are trying to help other countries and when countries accomplish something without America it in itself is a very prideful moment.  This was a moment of identity for the Egyptian people all over. Government depicts a lot of what happens, but when one feels that they have no say in the matter of their own country  it's a lack of worth and by having the president step down it was a gain of independence for many of the people and yet again the rise of nationalism and belonging.  Egypt already with it's deep history,  has patriotism and most matters they will always be kept the same, but like many countries nationalism can only grow if a country is tailored for the ever changing world. As Zakaeia says in The Post American World every country is growing and countries in every aspect are becoming more stable.

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